Awards at ISB

At the end of each academic year, ISB awards students for upholding ISB’s standards of excellence in application of learning,enhancing students’ quality of life, and service to the ISB community. A committee representing various departments at ISB is constituted and students are nominated for the awards. The committee then picks the winners from the nominees in each category. Generally, the following are the major criteria the committee considers while awarding the students:
- Service to the ISB community
- Enhancing the quality of life of students
- Upholding ISB’s standards of excellence in application of learning
- Fostering innovative actions and institutionalization of processes
- Engaging the ISB student community
- Quality of engagement and events
- Consistency of engagement throughout the year
ISB Scholar of Excellence
The Scholar of Excellence award is given to the top 3 students (by CGPA) of the class. They get to lead the procession on graduation day. In the class of 2016, 2 students from Hyderabad campus and 1 student from the Mohali campus were awarded the Scholar of Excellence award.
The Dean’s list
The Dean’s list comprises of the top 10 percent of the class by CGPA (a combined list across both campuses). Competitively fought for, the list has eluded many over the years. It is only through hard work, perseverance and sincerity that you can make it to the Dean’s list earning you bragging rights for life!
ISB Young Leader award
The ISB Young Leader Award is given to a small set of students, who demonstrateactions beyond the call of duty. In the class of 2016, 12 students from the Hyderabad campus and 6 students from the Mohali campus were awarded the Young Leaders award.
Chairman’s All Rounder
The Chairman’s all-rounder award recognizes contribution to various facets of life at ISB. One from each campus, the all-rounder epitomizes balancing academics with extra-curricular activities at ISB. Hence, the all-rounders are usually students who have a relatively high CGPA and have contributed immensely to the ISB community during the year. The chairman’s all-rounder is usually chosen from amongst the Young Leader award winners.
ISB Torchbearer award
The Torchbearer award goes to about 5% of the class who have contributed to the ISB brand or the ISB student community through their initiatives and service. The awards are given to students who demonstrate maximum effectiveness as opposed to mere efforts. Representing ISB in international case competitions, organizing events such as ILS, Artha, Advaita and taking them to the next level are just a few ways in which students make ISB proud.In the class of 2016, 25 students from the Hyderabad campus and 17 students from the Mohali campus were awarded the ISB Torchbearer award.
Best Club award
Instituted for the first time in the class of 2016, the Best Club awards aim to recognize efforts of both professional and social clubs at both campuses to enrich the student community through their commitment and contribution to campus life. In the class of 2016, the Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital (EVC) club at the Hyderabad campus and the Business and technology Club (BTC) at the Mohali campus won the best professional club awards. The Best Social club award went to Radio Club at the Hyderabad campus and the Quiz Club at the Mohali campus.
While various club Presidents / Vice Presidents and event lead co-ordinators are recognized through these awards, various other students who contributed otherwise to enhance the quality of life at ISB are also awarded.