Essential Guide to Top Business Schools

China Europe International Business School

China Europe International Business School
Shanghai, China
ESSAY QUESTIONS : Fall 2021 Intake

Required Essay 1. 1. Discuss your post - MBA career aspirations (short term and long term) and explain how you plan to achieve them (400 words).

Required Essay 2. Answer any one Question 2(a) or 2(b) 2(a). Describe your most significant achievement to date and explain why you consider it such an important accomplishment. (400 words) 2(b). Discuss a situation where you have demonstrated significant leadership ability. (400 words)

Required Essay 3. Answer any one Question 3(a) or 3(b) 3(a). Many would argue that entrepreneurship is not necessarily a state of being, but a state of mind. Describe an entrepreneurial experience where you went against the grain or conventional way of thinking, to discover and create new value. (400 words). 3(b). Identify up to two trends, big or small, that you see unfolding in the next decade. Discuss how the(se) trend(s) might affect you and your career, and how you plan to address them during your MBA and/or after you graduate. (400 words)

Optional Essay 1 4. (Optional) Is there any other information that you believe would be helpful to the MBA Admission Committee in evaluating your application? (200 words). Re-applicants are suggested to describe the progress they have made since the previous application.

Optional Essay 2 5. (Optional) You are encouraged to showcase your life and career in a short video, no longer than three minutes. Please provide a downloadable link below (preferably from Word count

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