Essential Guide to Top Business Schools

Iowa State University

College of Business
Ames, IA
ESSAY QUESTIONS : Fall 2021 Intake

Required Essay 1: Discuss your academic and career goals. How will an MBA from lowa State University help you to attain these goals? What unique qualities and experiences will bring to the program? Is there any other information you believe is important to our assessment of your candidacy?

Required Essay 2. Answer any one of the following : 1.Does a corporation’s focus on social responsibility enhance or diminish the bottom line? Please support your viewpoint. 2.Describe an ethical dilemma you have experienced and how you responded 3. Define diversity . Drawing upon your own definition and experience, describe the opportunities and challenges of diversity. 4.Write about a time when your experienced a setback, what did you learn from this incident?

APPLYING TO Iowa State University

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