Essential Guide to Top Business Schools

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Carlson School of Management
Minneapolis, MN
ESSAY QUESTIONS : Fall 2021 Intake

Personal Statement. Your personal statement should be no more than 1200 words (3 pages), that address the following questions, • Briefly describe your short-term and long-term career goals Why are you choosing to pursue an MBA at this time in your career and what are you hoping to accomplish by doing so? • Why are you interested in pursuing an MBA at the Carlson School of Management? What do you feel makes you a strong candidate for the program? • Do you have an enterprise program that you are currently interested in and why? WIN skills would you bring to this enterprise?

Video Essay The video essay is a required component of the application that provides candidates with an opportunity to show the admissions committee the authentic you. Think of this video essay as if you were answering an interview question with a member of our admissions committee • You will need to use a computer with camera and microphone capabilities You will have the ability to test your technology before starting the video essay and submit a practice video essay • You can test your technology and run the practice simulation as many times as you wish to be comfortable with the format and technology • You will be able to review your practice video essay(s) and your recording(s) will not be saved beyond the testing phase and will never be reviewed • You can also practice responding to impromptu questions offline with a friend or colleague before completing the video essay portion of your application • You will be prompted to click Ready once you are prepared to submit an official video essay You will be asked one impromptu question from a bank of imaginative or behavioral questions selected by our admissions team • Two minutes (120 seconds) will be provided to prepare an answer and two minutes (120 seconds) to record an answer Recording will automatically stop after two minutes You are not required to use the full two minutes If you have time remaining once complete with your response click the Stop Recording button to end the recording • You will only be provided one attempt to record your official video essay

APPLYING TO University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

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